College Board Curriculum
Small Groups (6-8 Students) or One-on-One Instruction
Our Aim High Center program is a customized test preparation that is ideal for students who are serious about taking their SAT scores to the next level. Our Instructors bring top of the line SAT preparation to each class. Our One-on-One sessions can easily accommodate work, school, and sporting events, the program is ideal for students with busy academic and extra-curricular calendars.
Unlike large SAT classes, students enrolled in our Small Groups or One-On-One classes will receive individualized instruction and attention from experienced instructors. The SAT Instructor and student will identify specific strengths and weaknesses, providing a navigational tool for test preparation.
Our test preparation is comprehensive, covering strategies for math, verbal, and writing skills. Additionally, the one-on-one instruction and flexibility of the program allows instructors and students to focus on the areas that could most benefit from additional practice and study.
Keep in mind that instruction is designed around the student’s individual learning speed and goals. Our group course of 24 hours of instruction plus the assigned work the student will be expected to complete during the comprehensive course of study. Some students may need to spend more time than others completing certain sections. Students, who work at a slower pace, seek further remediation of skills, or want advanced test-taking strategies will utilize more hours.
Syllabus for Group Program:
Pre-registration: PSAT scores, strengths/weaknesses, academic status and course commitment.
Section 1
Introducing the SAT
How to do your best on the test
About the Critical Reading Section
Section 2
About the Math Section
Number and Operations Review
Math Vocabulary
Section 3
Sentence Completion
Passage-based Reading
Practice for the Critical Reading Section
Section 4
Algebra and Functions Review
Multiple Choice Questions
Practice Test
Section 5
About the Writing Section
The Essay
Identifying Sentence Errors
Section 6
Geometry and Measurement Review
Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability Review
Practice Test
Section 7
Improving Sentences
Improving Paragraphs
Practice for the Writing Section
Section 8
Student-Produced Response Questions
Practice for Math Section
Answer Remaining Questions From Students
Section 9 Four hour Mock Test
SAT Mock Post Test